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AmSAT Certified Teacher and Teacher Trainer

Daria received her Alexander teacher’s certification, from the Alexander Teaching Associates in London, England in 1982. While living in London, she was fortunate to have lessons and classes with esteemed teachers who had worked with F.M. Alexander himself. This included work with Walter Carrington, Peggy Williams, Marjorie Barlow, Sir George Trevelyan, Marjorie Barstow, and Patrick Macdonald. She began her career as a member of STAT (Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique).


She went on to develop a private practice in Los Angeles, CA from 1982 through 1987 as well as instruct classes at the American Academy for Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy, and the Wallpin pain clinic. She also taught lessons at several Chiropractic offices and Yoga studios. During this time, she became an AmSAT recognized teacher (American Society for the Alexander Technique) at the inception of that organization.


She re-located to Charlottesville, Virginia in 1987 to co-found the Virginia School for the Alexander Technique, a 1600 hour teacher’s certification program, with Frank Sheldon. In 1992 she became sole director of the training course. Soon after, the program became known as The ATTiC, Alexander Technique Training Centre.


Daria relocated The ATTiC to Chicago in 2012, known today as Alexander Technique Training in Chicago.


Her interest in the Alexander Technique originally grew from her extensive background in theatre. Daria earned a BFA in Acting from Carnegie Mellon University in 1978, and went on to complete one year of graduate education at The Professional Actor’s Training Program (PATP ) at The University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee in 1979. She eventually returned to school to finish her MFA in Acting at the University of Virginia in May 2011.


Along with teaching, Daria continues her work as a performing artist in theatre and film. She began her acting career in her hometown of Los Angeles, where she won the Drama-Logue Award for her original work Strings in The Liar's Club, enjoyed a role in Oliver Stone's movie Salvador, and co-found the Wallenboyd Theater. After moving to Charlottesville, she continued her work as an actor in venues such as Live Arts Theater, Four County Players and Heritage Theatre, enjoying roles such as Stevie in The GoatAmanda in Glass Menagerie, Maureen in The Beauty Queen of Leenane, and Bella in Lost in Yonkers.

Daria continues her acting work in Chicago, premiering her original work Devil in the Dirt at Redtwist Theatre, directed by the late Mary Ann Thebus. She played an array of roles including Madame Pernelle in Tartuffe at BoHo Theatre, Gertie in Fuddy Meers at Ka-Tet Theatre, and The Golden Dragon at Sideshow Theatre. She is an ensemble member of Shattered Globe Theatre, recently nominated for a 2021-2022 Jeff Award for Outstanding Performer in a Supporting Role for Rasheeda Speaking.

About Daria Okugawa


Alexander Technique Training in Chicago

Director Daria Okugawa

Contact: (four-three-four) 981-5236

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